Workshop “Prospects of the Introduction of Scientific Achievements in Advanced Agriculture Practice”
The workshop was held in Udayana University in the framework of the joint project Russia-ASEAN “Research and Development Cooperation Russia-ASEAN on Development and Implementation of Innovative Agricultural Technologies to Increase Sustainability of Agro-Ecological Systems”.
More than 40 participants worked in 6 Sections (reports, presentations, discussions): 1) Microbial-Humic products as innovative technologies in agriculture and protection of environment, 20 Molecular methods as the basis for the introduction of new agricultural and environmental technologies, 3) Educational programs, 4) GIS development: a new perspective, 5) Development of international cooperation formed during the Project implementation, 6) Formation of work plans to address the problems of specific villages of Bali and Batur Lake.
The scientists also visited Buahan Village where there was a meeting with local people for discussion environmental problems of Lake Batur, that is under the protection of UNESCO.