AEU Club is happy to announce the Season 23/24 of an international educational game project It’sOnYou.

The game focuses on solving extreme challenges related to disasters (natural or man-made) that have a significant impact on the environment, people, and agriculture. Participants will engage in tasks related to managing and mitigating the effects of such catastrophes demonstrating, using the example of a model landscape, the professional application of modern technologies in the field of wastewater and surface water treatment, soils, landscape reclamation, localization of pollutants and protection of living organisms.

We conducted the promo season in February – May 2023. There we 6 teams from 5 countries. There were participants from India, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Vietnam. There were played 5 games. Yu can see the detailed information and watch the records of all games on our website or on our YouTube channel! The link for the webpage describing the first season is HERE.

While we are preparing the It’sOnYOU game season we conduct the training camp for the students who are interested in our game. There is the series of the tasks as the homework. The team should prepare and report on zoom meeting. Each report is compared with the correct answer and each team member receives points. There are no fixed teams. You can even miss one or two tasks or change team for each task earning points for individual championship.

Students can train their skills by solving environmental cases and earn prizes in the end of the training camp. Click HERE to get more information about the training camp.

We have


participants now

The efforts of AEUClub are aimed now to launch the AEU Club is happy the Season’24 of an international educational game project It’sOnYou.

If you are interested to join our game or understand that you can help us, please let us know.