On April 26, AEU Club successfully held a teleconference for teams of young scientists from Russia and Vietnam, where...
Vice-President of Global Wetland Technology Association Dr Masi holds Lecture with Students from Laos & Thailand
On April 22, AEU Club successfully held a teleconference for teams of young scientists from Laos and Thailand, where...
Second Webinar on Molecular Biology Held Successfully
On April 4, AEU Club successfully held the second webinar of the Training Course on the Detection of Pathogen.....
New Webinars on Molecular Biology Launched
AEU Club has successfully launched its new project – a Training Course on the Detection of Pathogen. To train future...
Student Teleconferences Launched
On February 26, AEU Club launched a new project of student teleconferences to teach young scientists to design...
Choice of Wastewater Treatment Technology – Crucial for Ecosystem Restoration in your Region
The United Nations has proclaimed that the next decade (2021-2030) of its work will be devoted to Ecosystem...
Russian and ASEAN Universities Ready to Start Student Teleconferences
Moscow State University, in collaboration with universities from Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, is finishing the...
MSU Continues Shooting of International Educational Film on Water Treatment
For two weeks the main lecture hall of the Faculty of Soil Sciense of Moscow State University turned into a real...
EU Expert Covers Biodiversity and Club’s Activities During Web Conference at Udayana University
On November 26, AEU Club Expert Dr. Nataliya Shchegolkova took part in a web conference organized by Indonesia’s...