Scientists prove treated wastewater safe for aquaculture

Scientists prove treated wastewater safe for aquaculture

Even though treated wastewater is commonly used in aquaculture worldwide, there has been almost no scientific research about micropollutants in such water and if they are at safe levels. A team of scientists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel conducted...
Bangladesh waters poisoned by drugs and chemicals

Bangladesh waters poisoned by drugs and chemicals

In April, a new study was published in Science of the Total Environment claiming that there are high levels of antibiotics, other medicines and chemicals in many Bangladesh’s rivers, lakes, ponds and other surface waters, which are key sources of consumption for...
AEU Club Welcomes Cooperation with IRIDRA

AEU Club Welcomes Cooperation with IRIDRA

AEU Club has agreed on cooperation with a new partner. IRIDRA is an engineering firm with twenty-year experience and interdisciplinary professionals providing services in the field of sustainable water management. In particular, it is engaged in creating water...