Project-Based Learning

Teaching to solve environmental problems cannot be purely theoretical. It is very important to study existing approaches and analyze successful cases, but it is even more valuable to be able to set  own tasks, search for relevant materials, create projects and defend  own position under pressure from opponents.

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To develop these skills among students, we have organized an international online course on project-oriented learning. In this course, proactive students from different countries and regions split into teams, select problem water bodies and, together with the world’s leading experts in the field of wastewater treatment and environmental technologies, create a project to restore the ecological state.

As part of the course, teams go through a series of online conferences where they need to defend their project in front of other teams and experts.

The result of the training are not only ready-to-implement projects for the rehabilitation of the ecosystems at the most important water bodies, but also cohesive teams of motivated future specialists.

In April 2022, AEU Club successfully finished the first year of the project at the offline workshop in Bali, Indonesia. The teams from Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam had defended their projects in the course of online teleconferences and prepared high-quality designs of wastewater treatment facilities for specific waterbodies in their countries. The projects will be turned into scientific articles published in an international scientific periodical.

New joint ASEAN-Russia project:

“Design and Development of ASEAN – Russia Interactive Communication Network for the Exchange of Innovative Technologies on Sustainable Agricultural Development”

Project Management

Nataliya Shchegolkova

Coordinator of the project
ScD, Leading Researcher
Soil Science Faculty
Yuliya Kupriyanova

Yuliya Kupriyanova

Interteam Supervisor

Alexander Bykovskiy

Interteam Supervisor

Project Teams

Russian Federation

Moscow State University

Sergey Kharitonov

Supervisor of the team

Russain team Hello video


Udayana University

I Ketut Suada

Supervisor of the team

Indonesian team Hello video


Savannakhet University

Phouthasone Khouangvichit

Supervisor of the team

Lao team Hello video


Mariano Marcos State University

Charlie Batin

Supervisor of the team

Philippine team Hello video


VNU University of Science

Nguyen Thi Ha

Supervisor of the team

Vietnamese team Hello video


Asian Institute of Technology

Suraj Pradhan

Supervisor of the team

Thai team Hello video

The Objects Selected For Team Projects:

More information is coming soon!