Fabio Masi
Fabio is founding partner, R&D Manager and Technical Director of the Italian engineering company IRIDRA Srl, since 1998, and Vice-President of the Global Wetland Technology association since 2012. His background is a PhD in Environmental Sciences and an MSc in Environmental Chemistry (1991).
He’s been Chair of the International Water Association Specialist Group on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control since 2012 to 2016, and organizer and chair of the IWA 12th SG Wetlands conference in Venice (October 2010). He’s served as Associate Editor for the IWA journal Water Science & Technology since 2010 to 2020 and as Editor for Water MDPI since 2012. He is currently Chair of the IWA Task Group on Nature Based Solutions for Water and Sanitation.
He is the project co-author for over 500 Designs of Constructed Wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse. Lecturer and speaker in numerous university masters in Italy, France, China, India and Spain, public and NGO organized conferences, courses and seminars in sustainable sanitation, environmental chemistry, water and air pollution, nature based solutions, green infrastructures, wastewater treatment and reuse, EIA. Author of more than 100 scientific (about 60 peer reviewed) or informative papers and books. He has been consulting for Sustainable Water Management projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (also for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank). He’s been involved in EC funded projects in the MEDA, ENI CBCMED, FP5, FP7, Horizon2020, Interreg and Life+ programs and has been evaluator of Life+ proposals for Agreco and MWH Global.

PhD in Environmental Sciences and an MSc in Environmental Chemistry
R&D Manager and Technical Director of the Italian engineering company IRIDRA Srl, and Vice-President of the Global Wetland Technology association