Home Events Russian-ASEAN Workshop on developing educational films

Russian-ASEAN Workshop on developing educational films

On February 7-17 Udayana and Sumbawa Universities in Indonesia hosted the first international workshop on development and production of innovative interactive course of educational films about the newest technologies in waste water treatment and water management. The films will be produced for students and professionals of the ASEAN countries. The event was held in collaboration with experts from the Moscow State University and the Institute of Water Problems of Russian Academy of Science (Russia), Udayana and Sumbawa Universities (Indonesia), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), Hanoi University of Science (Vietnam) and SCIRPE (France). This project had earlier been approved and supported by ASEAN Secretariat in December 2019.

Since it was the first workshop or a kick-off meeting, the international team of experts held a discussion on the basic concept of the project and the approval of the work plan of filming and the coordination of curricula of participating universities.

During several thematic sections of the workshop, participants presented potential areas in their countries that are mostly convenient for the purpose of the filming. They discussed the schedule of filming, necessary formalities and requirements in every country.

The shooting script and manuals were also discussed, and the project was agreed to have 8 episodes.

Moreover, the experts pointed out that these films would also be presented online on the website of the “science-club”, which had been organized by the team of ASEAN and Russian experts as a result of their fruitful working partnership in the past. This club has created a common website to promote collaboration results.

The workshop also focused on the project for the development of “remote territories” – these are the regions in ASEAN countries that face serious environmental and social problems. Practical solutions for environmental problems in such regions can be useful for other ASEAN countries. Use of such area may be included as a model in the video course.

The participants discussed socio-economic problems of remote areas related to the environmental problems in every country in terms of filming. Sumbawa region in Indonesia was taken as a model for resolving such problems. The experts had a chance to witness the state of environment on the Sumbawa island personally.

Source: Moscow State University


07 - 17 Feb 2020



Location 2
