Home Events Indonesian and Vietnamese scientists visit Moscow State University

Indonesian and Vietnamese scientists visit Moscow State University

On August 21-25, 2018, a delegation of experts from ASEAN countries paid a new working visit to the Moscow State University. The meeting was conducted in the framework of the Russia-ASEAN project “Research and Development Cooperation Russia-ASEAN on development and implementation of innovative agricultural technologies to increase sustainability of agro-ecological systems”. 

Russian side was headed by Dean of Soil Science Faculty of the MSU Sergey Shoba, while ASEAN side was represented by Indonesian and Vietnamese experts headed by I Nyoman Rai, Dean of Agriculture Faculty of Udayana University, Bao Huy, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Tai Nyieng, Vietnam, Khoa Phung Van, Dean of the Faculty of Forest Resources and Nature Management of the Vietnam National Forest University, and Vo Dai Hai, President of the Vietnam Academy of Forest Sciences. Moreover, a representative of Russia’s Ministry of Agriculture Tatyana Basarygina also participated in the meeting.

The working visit consisted of several workshops on different tasks of the project. Participants had a chance to exchange their results of researches conducted earlier, share new experience. The experts also discussed creation of an educational network of universities and institutes of ASEAN and Moscow State University for the dissemination of innovative technologies in monitoring the environment, agriculture and water purification is outlined. Within the framework of the working visit, the Indonesian delegation visited a lignohumate plant in St. Petersburg. As a result, the possibilities of developing lignohumate production directly in Indonesia were discussed.

According to the results of a presented report “The use of treatment wetlands, including those with fast-growing trees” (Mr. Emelyanov, Dr. Shchegolkova) it was proposed:

1) To develop a scheme for the experiment on the use of wastewater for growing fast-growing tree species.

2) To evaluate the possibility of Vietnamese partners in the search for a subject in Vietnam who is ready to apply the Treatment Wetland technology for wastewater treatment.

All sides (Russian, Indonesian and Vietnamese) agreed that acquaintance with the culture of both countries, which occurs during the visit, greatly enriches the scientific experience of the participants and opens continuously new topics for cooperation. These topics are of interest to all ASEAN countries.

The parties agreed that the spread of Russian technology to the ASEAN countries through their adaptation on Indonesia and Vietnam is a very effective method. This cooperation will be the beginning of other very promising scientific, educational and commercial projects

Source: Moscow State University


21 - 25 Aug 2018


Moscow State University
Moscow, Russia