Database: “Multi-year data on environmental monitoring of water and soil resources of Bali Island”

The database was developed by the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), and Udayana University (Bali, Indonesia). It provides systematic information on environmental monitoring of water and soil resources in Bali (Indonesia). The data is based on the annual government reports on the island’s environmental performance. The source material (yearbooks) mainly consisted of scanned copies of the corresponding tables in the Indonesian language, therefore, digitizing the data and translating the text into English was required.

The database contains information for 2009 – 2017 regarding the quality of sea, river, lake, and ground waters, as well as general geographic information, for example, the area of ​​national parks, forests, rice fields, etc.

The main indicators of water quality in the database are such parameters as pH, salinity, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, COD, BOD, bacteriological parameters, the content of nitrates, nitrites, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfates, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, cadmium, petroleum products, etc.

The database was integrated in the geographic information system (GIS) devoted to the state of Bali water resources.

Administration workers and environmental organizations of Bali can use both the GIS and the database to assess the ecological state of the island over the years as the database contains multi-year values ​​of water quality parameters. The possibility to analyze the values automatically was not available previously.