Nguyen Thi Ha
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Ha obtained PhD degree in Chemistry in 1996 (specialize in Organic synthesis) then she was chosen to go to Australia for Master course in Applied Science in Chemical Engineering. Since 1999, she has worked in Faculty of Environmental Sciences, VNU- HUS as high rank senior lecturer (Class I). Her majors are wastewater and solid waste treatment technologies that focus on resource and valuable materia recovery, pollutant fate and the effect on the environment and health. In last 5 years, she has published about 20 articles in the Peer review Scientific Journals and International conferences. She has carried out number of projects as manager and also participated in some international projects with World Bank, Vietnam Canada Environmental Protection, Linkoping university; Kitakyushu university, Tokyo university,… as local consultant and environmental expert. She is visiting lecturer in Technology university of Dresden, Germany; Indiana University, USA and Linkoping University, Sweden. She is a member of Vietnam Chemistry Association and a member of Vietnam Environment Association. In addition, with her expertise, she has been invited to number of the National Scientific Consultancy Committees for Technology Evaluation and Appraisal and Environmental Impact assessment; Strategy Environmental Assessment and Provincial and Sectorial Socio- economic Development Planning.
- Environmental Technology for wastewater and solid waste treatment
- Separation techniques to recover the valuable materials from waste materials
- Environmental Chemistry: fate and transport of pollutant in the environment
- Environmental analysis and Waste auditing
- Environmental toxicology and health

Associate Professor in Faculty of Environmental Sciences, VNU University of Science (VNU-HUS)