1 Feb, 2020 | Crop Selection and Implementation, Greenfield Projects
Protective plants instead of pesticides Coriander kills insect pests in cabbage plantings in Bali In modern agriculture, methods for controlling pests and plant parasites using various chemicals prevail. Earlier in the articles, we considered (article) alternative...
30 Jan, 2020 | Environmental Monitoring Systems, Greenfield Projects
Database: “Multi-year data on environmental monitoring of water and soil resources of Bali Island” The database was developed by the Institute of Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),...
19 Jan, 2020 | Crop Selection and Implementation, Greenfield Projects
Nature’s pest control methods The fight against harmful fungi for plants using natural enemies. One of the best way that is environmentally friendly is to control using antagonistic microbes. Antagonism means hostility, and in this case we are talking about natural...