Overcoming carbon loss from farming

Overcoming carbon loss from farming

All around the world scientists always try to find new methods to help agriculture. For example, when farming is done on histosols soils, which have a thick layer of rich organic matter called peat, this process may lead to loss of valuable carbon in such soils....
Fern absorbing toxins from mining soil found in Philippines

Fern absorbing toxins from mining soil found in Philippines

Scientists in Philippines discovered that a fern Pteris melanocaulon that thrives on the ground near copper-gold mining sites proves to be a powerful hyperaccumulator and can absorb high concentrations of such toxins as copper and arsenic. This ability is rare but...
Indonesia turns seaweed into plastic

Indonesia turns seaweed into plastic

All around the world, businesses and societies are striving for sustainable development and production including manufacturing of such wide-spread material as plastic. In Indonesia, which is the world’s No. 2 producer of seaweed, the government and start-ups eye...
ASEAN Efforts to combat COVID-19

ASEAN Efforts to combat COVID-19

ASEAN Member States step up their measures to try to stop and mitigate the consequences of the novel coronavirus, which is spreading across the world and the region. Earlier in April, ASEAN’s health ministers reported during a video conference that they eyed to...