Mariya Kozlova

Research interests: assessment of water quality, detection of xenobiotics in water bodies, including medicinal substances, and determination of their potential impact on humans and aquatic organisms.

Currently, Mariya is engaged in the assessment of drug contamination of water bodies, the sources of drinking water supply in Moscow in wastewater discharge zones of large cities, such as Tver, Konakovo, Zvenigorod, Istra, etc.


  • selection and optimization of methods for identifying and determining the content of xenobiotics, including drugs, in water bodies;
  • assessment of the toxicity of xenobiotics detected and their classification by types of biological activity, including pharmacological;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of water purification methods from xenobiotic pollution according to published data and our own model experiments;
  • development of a set of interrelated recommendations for reducing the content of xenobiotics in natural and drinking waters.
Senior Researcher, PhD in Geography

Senior Researcher, PhD in Geography

Leading Researcher in the laboratory of water protection of Institute of Water Problems of RAS

Moscow, Russia