Home Events Scientific Achievements and Environmental Problems of Batur Lake Discussed at a Workshop in Udayana University

Scientific Achievements and Environmental Problems of Batur Lake Discussed at a Workshop in Udayana University

On April 7-12, 2019, Russian and Indonesian scientists held a new workshop “Prospects of the Introduction of Scientific Achievements in Advanced Agriculture Practice”, which was another meeting in the framework of close partnership between the Moscow State University and Udayana University and supported by officials from Russia, Indonesia and ASEAN Secretariat. The event took place in Bali, where Indonesian officials as well as scientists from Udayana University welcomed the participants from Russia and ASEAN countries.

During six days of intensive discussions, dialogues, seminars etc. the participants touched upon their impressive scientific results on numerous topics. For example, they discussed microbial-humic products as innovative technologies in agriculture and how we can use them to protect environment. Experts presented their theoretical and practical results and suggestions. They also focused on the wide spectrum of methods to support agriculture and environment.

Besides, the workshop was a great opportunity to share the Universities’ experience in educational process. The Indonesian colleagues, for example, noted significantly positive impact from conducting teleconferences at the Udayana University. International cooperation between the Universities was also discussed, and it was stated that an educational network among Russian and wider ASEAN institutions could be created: the participants adopted the relevant Action Plan.

However, the workshop was not only about seminars and discussions: the participants had a chance to take a trip to lake Batur. There, they did not only see the beauty of the tropical island but also studied the ecological state of the site. Here you can read more about studying the Batur lake. 

During the workshop, the experts agreed that the ecological problems of Batur lake stem from domestic wastewater, extensive fish farming, oil spilling and agriculture. They also suggested possible ways to solve the issues. 

Source: Moscow State University


07 - 12 Apr 2019


Udayana University
Bali, Indonesia