Philippe Michel
- 1985-1986: Master of sciences in Environmental Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.
- 1983-1985: French master in Air and water pollution control technologies
- E.S.I.G.E.C , Chambéry,France.
- 1982-1983: Bachelor of Sciences in Biology and Chemistry
- USTL-Montpellier, France.
I created SCIRPE Company in 2001. SCIRPE is specialized in wastewater treatment with constructed wetlands. Its main activity is the response to public tenders for the turnkey supply of wastewater treatment plants.
Its turnover is 4 million Euros with a work force of 17 employees.
I developed Several French and European patents:
- Development of a Solar hydraulic flushing in 2003
- Development of the AZOE-N Process in 2006
- Development of the AZOE-P Process in 2011
I implemented a research and development projects in partnership with INSA’s DEEP Laboratory (wastes,water,environment,pollution) in 2010 supporting phD students. The main focus of our research are:
- The behavior of phosphorus retention and the mineralization mechanisms at the top deposit layer of vertical flow constructed Wetlands.
- The mechanisms of nitrogen removal in vertical flow constructed wetlands
Contribution to scientific publications:
Kim B., Gautier M., Simidoff A., Sanglar C., Chatain V., Michel P., Gourdon R. pH and Eh effects on phosphorus fate in constructed wetland’s sludge surface deposit. Journal of Environmental Management. 183, 175-181 (2016)
Kim B., Gautier M., Molle P., Michel P., Gourdon R. Influence of the water saturation level on phosphorus retention and treatment performances of vertical flow constructed wetland combined with trickling filter and FeCl3 injection. Ecological Engineering. 80, 53-61 (2015)
Kim B., Gautier M., Rivard C., Sanglar C., Michel P., Gourdon R. Effect of aging on phosphorus speciation in surface deposit of a vertical flow constructed wetland. Environmental Science & Technology. 49 (8), 4903–4910 (2015)
Kim B., Gautier M., Olvera Palmaa, G., Molle P., Michel P., Gourdon R. Pilot-scale study of vertical flow constructed wetland combined with trickling filter and ferric chloride coagulation. Influence of irregular operational conditions. Water Science & Technology. 71(7), 1088-96 (2015)
Kim B., Gautier M., Prost-Boucle S., Molle P., Michel P., Gourdon R. Performance evaluation of partially saturated vertical-flow constructed wetland with trickling filter and chemical precipitation for domestic and winery wastewaters treatment. Ecological Engineering. 71 41-47 (2014)
Kim B., Gautier M., Michel P., Gourdon R. Physical–chemical characterization of sludge and granular materials from a vertical low constructed wetland for municipal wastewater treatment. Water Science & Technology. 68(10), 2257-2262 (2013).
Kim B., Gautier M., Buet A., Simidoff A., Michel P., Gourdon R. Influence du pH sur la libération du phosphore accumulé dans les boues de surface d’un filtre planté de roseaux recevant des eaux usées traitées avec du FeCl3. Déchets Sciences et Techniques. 65, 4-11 (2013).
Contribution to conferences:
Kania M., Gautier M., Aubin J.B., Michel P., Gourdon R. Comparative characterization of sludge surface layer samples from different types of VFCWs plants. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdańsk, Poland, September 4-9, 2016, 11p.
Gourdon R., Kania M., Gautier M., Kim B., Michel P. Performance de traitement des eaux usées domestiques par une installation en fonctionnement de filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical – C, N, P et micropolluants, Colloque Environnement Déchets & Développement Durable, Lomé, Togo, March 7-11, 2016, 8p.
Kim B., Gautier M., Rivard C., Michel P., Gourdon R. Characterization of deposit layer from a partially flooded vertical flow constructed wetland, Proceeding of the 14th International Conference Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Shanghai, China, October, 12-16 2014.
Kim B., Gautier M., Olvera Palma G., Molle P., Michel P., Gourdon R. Pilot-scale study of partially saturated vertical flow constructed wetland combined with trickling filter and ferric chloride coagulation, Proceeding of the 14th International Conference Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Shanghai, China, October 12-16, 2014.
Gautier M., Kim B., Michel P., Gourdon R. Physical-chemical characterization of solid materials sampled from a partially flooded vertical flow constructed wetland, Proceeding of the 13th International Conference Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Perth, Australia, November 25-29, 2012, pp. 280-289.
Kim B., Gautier M., Molle P., Michel P., Gourdon R. Wastewater treatment with partially flooded vertical-flow constructed wetlands : AZOE® process, 13th International Conference Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Perth, Australia, November 25-29, 2012, pp 377-384.
Kim B., Gautier M., Michel P., Gourdon R., Devenir du phosphore dans les filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical partiellement immergés recevant des eaux usées traitées avec du FeCl3, Colloque Environnement Déchets & Développement Durable, Agadir, Marocco, March 21-24, 2012, 8p.
Master of sciences in Environmental Engineering
Manager and founder of SCIRPE Company
SCIRPE, France